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Pedagogic tools :


What means Inka Llacta ?

Inca city


What means Ancahuasi ?
House of the Eagle 

What was the official language of the inca empire ?

The Runa simi : Simi means mouth and Runa man, the runa simi means the language of the man. Since the Spanish conquista it is called the quechua.

How was called the Inca empire at its apogee.

Tahuantinsuyo or Tahuantinsuyu : the empire of the four regions.


The Tahuantinsuyu was big?

Yes it was the biggest empire of precolombian South america.

What are the suyus or suyos of the Tahuantinsuyu or Tahuantinsuyo?
Kuntisuyu o Contisuyo


What is a colca ?

A deposit destined for the conservation of alimentary products among others.

What means Quilla ?


Who is the Coya?
The queen. The main wife of the king or the Inca.  


Who are the Apus or Apukuna?

They are gods that were very respected, their form can be human or animal.

What is a pirka?
A wall


Who was the Chasqui? 
A messenger that brought the messages while running.


Who was the father of Tupac Yupanqui ?


Who was the father of Manco Inca?
Wayna Capac


Who was the father of Nina Cuyuchic?
Wayna Capac


For a bit of reflexion we propose questions, but without the answers :  

What was the Pukincancha?

What was the Yachayhuasi?

Who were the Quillca ? 

Who were the tokapu?

Who was the Tarpuntay?

Who was the tucuruykuk?